Drama Class Curriculum Pages

Vocal Warm-up - Exercise 2 - (alignment) - "The Puppet"

Vocal Warm-Ups 

Being an actor means having full control not only of your body, but also your vocal chords. Actors who have great potential must learn to command attention or power through their voice. They must understand how to control their voice and they must take care of this vital acting tool.

Always perform this exercises at the beginning to guarantee your lungs are ready.


"The Puppet"

Step 1 - Deep breath in and hold

Step 2 - new breath in and on a count of ten drop over slowly starting with the head, chin to chest...etc (snapping as you drop forward)

Step 3 - Drop all the way over, bending at the waist, like a puppet whose strings have been cut.

Step 4 - Let the body fold slowly 

Step 5 - completely folded when the top of the head points to the floor.

Step 6 - Breath and hang.

Step 7 - On a count of ten (snapping as you come up)
Come back up slowly and the head should pop up last when you are back to a  standing position.

Step 8 - FINALLY - Pretend there is a string coming out of the top of your head. Pull it up and go onto your toes. Then come back down but keep the chest and upper carriage of the body up, keep the head and neck up and straight and keep the shoulders level and aligned.

Once in this position of alignment you are ready to begin additional vocal warm-ups!