Drama Class Curriculum Pages

Vocal Warm-ups - Exercise 1 - Intro

Vocal Warm-Ups

Being an actor means having full control not only of your body, but also your voice. Actors who have great potential must learn to command attention or power through their voice. They must understand how to control their voice and they must take care of this vital acting tool.

Although there are literally hundreds of different vocal exercises, we are going to focus on a few that we use in the department.

Perform these exercises before you begin your work as an actor. 

EXERCISE 1 - Intro

Face Massage
Massage your face with your fingertips as well as with the palm of your hands. Apply light pressure to your jaw and nasal-labial folds, also known as your laugh-lines. Make sure you also massage your forehead. Since you'll be touching your face, make sure your hands are recently cleaned to prevent clogging your pores with dirt and debris.

The Hummmmm
This is one of the most effective vocal warmups, and I personally do this before any speaking engagement. Sit with your back straight, and take a deep inhale that expands your diaphragm. During your exhale, vocalize the sound, "Hummmmmmm" until you have no more breath. Repeat five times.

Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha
This is a great exercise to help give control into your voice and breathing. Stand with your shoulders resting and your face pointing forward. Place your hand on your abdomen, and breathe in so your abdomen expands (also known as diaphragm breathing). During your exhale, make static "Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha." noises. With every "Ha," push in your abdomen to force the sound out of you. Note: this is not an extended note, but rather staccato.

Sit or stand comfortably, and repeat the sound "Guh" five to ten times. Do this in the same manner as the above exercise.

Sit or stand comfortably, and repeat the sound "Pah" five to ten times.

Sit or stand comfortably, and repeat the sound "Kah" five to ten times in a staccato fashion.

Sit or stand comfortably, and repeat the sound "Buh" five to ten times in a staccato fashion.

Me, Me, Me, Maaahhhhh
Standing or sitting, repeat the following phrase "Me, Me, Me" performed in a staccato fashion, and finally follow with an extended "Maaahhhhhh" as your exhale your full breath.

This is just the beginning, and once you have completed this first warm-up you are ready to move on to "The Puppet".